Friday 13 February 2015

Kweek Week Review

Craving Coffee  Unit 3, Gaunson House 3 Markfield Road London N15 4QQ
The “Works” Exhibition takes place over February at Craving Coffee, showing the work of Ashleigh Austin and Vicky Samuel. The opening night on 5th February gave the attendees the opportunity to discuss the nature of their work with the artists, while enjoying good food and even tastier coffee.
Ashleigh’s work is based on the importance of textures and the “Life and Death” theme, part of her “Imaginationland” project. Vicky’s screen-print works included her recent Skull series. You can follow them on @imaginarty @DraperSamuel.

Friday 6 February 2015

Monday 19 January 2015

My stamp arrived!

I have been testing out different variations. It's gonna work great on my business cards, no two will be exactly alike!

Thursday 15 January 2015


So, I have designed my own stamp. It's my ROYAL SEAL. Just sent it off to be made. Can't wait! Gonna rubber stamp you all! :)

Anima and Animus

We all possess what we deem to be either masculine or feminine traits. Luckily, I live in a time and in circles where these roles are not so clearly cut. Melt together. Blur the lines. Love. Live. And just do what feels right. X

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Beautiful Paint

I love it when paint refuses to mix together and you get strands of different colours.